1 |
Wednesday, 8/26/20 |
logistics, course topics, approximate counting (Morris Counter)  |
§ 2.1 |
2 |
Monday, 8/31/20 |
distinct elements, k-wise independence  |
§ 2.2.1-2.2.2 |
3 |
Wednesday, 9/2/20 |
geometric sampling  |
§ 2.2.3 |
Monday, 9/7/20 |
4 |
Wednesday, 9/9/20 |
quantiles  |
§ 2.3 |
5 |
Monday, 9/14/20 |
lower bounds via compression arguments  |
§ 3.1 |
6 |
Wednesday, 9/16/20 |
lower bounds via communication complexity  |
§ 3.2 |
7 |
Monday, 9/21/20 |
linear sketching, turnstile streaming, heavy hitters  |
§ 4.1 |
8 |
Wednesday, 9/23/20 |
graph sketching  |
§ 4.2 |
9 |
Monday, 9/28/20 |
AMS sketch, Hanson-Wright inequality, Johnson-Lindenstrauss  |
§ 4.3.1, § 5.1 |
10 |
Wednesday, 9/30/20 |
decoupling, Hanson-Wright proof, ℓp norm estimation, Nisan’s PRG  |
§ 1, § 4.3.2-4.3.3 |
11 |
Monday, 10/5/20 |
Guest Lecture: Ilya Razenshteyn  |
12 |
Wednesday, 10/7/20 |
Johnson-Lindenstrauss lower bounds  |
§ 5.2 |
13 |
Monday, 10/12/20 |
JL lower bound wrap-up, Sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform  |
§ 5.3.1 |
14 |
Wednesday, 10/14/20 |
Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform, Krahmer-Ward theorem  |
§ 5.3.2-5.3.3 |
15 |
Monday, 10/19/20 |
Krahmer-Ward wrap-up, approximate matrix multiplication  |
§ 5.3.3-6.1.1 |
16 |
Wednesday, 10/21/20 |
JL moment property, subspace embeddings, sketch-and-solve  |
§ 6.1.2-6.3.1 |
17 |
Monday, 10/26/20 |
leverage score sampling, oblivious subspace embedding constructions, sketch-and-solve via AMM  |
§ 6.2.2-6.2.3, § 6.3.2 |
18 |
Wednesday, 10/28/20 |
faster iterative regression, low-rank approximation  |
§ 6.3.3-6.4 |
19 |
Monday, 11/2/20 |
projection-cost preserving sketches  |
§ 6.5 |
20 |
Wednesday, 11/4/20 |
k-means, compressed sensing, RIP, basis pursuit  |
§ 6.5.1-7.1.1 |
21 |
Monday, 11/9/20 |
iterative hard thresholding, expanders and RIP1  |
§ 7.2 |
Wednesday, 11/11/20 |
22 |
Monday, 11/16/20 |
suprema of gaussian processes, Dudley’s inequality, generic chaining, instance-wise bounds for random projections  |
§ 8.1-8.2 |
23 |
Wednesday, 11/18/20 |
Krahmer-Mendelson-Rauhut proof wrap-up, BPTree  |
§ 8.3 |
24 |
Monday, 11/23/20 |
RIP via sampling DFT, Sparse Fourier Transform  |
Wednesday, 11/25/20 |
25 |
Monday, 11/30/20 |
coresets  |
Wednesday, 12/2/20 |
Project presentations |
Wednesday, 12/7/20 |
Project presentations |
Wednesday, 12/9/20 |
Project presentations |